Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I don't want a pity party....

Sigh. Ok. I know I talk about these med school rejections like they're the end of the world: (two blog posts ago I wrote but each rejection chips away at your heart and soul until there's nothing left but empty space and the seething pain of rejection and failure.)

I just write about these things and that's pretty much where it ends. I don't dwell. Mainly because I have other things to worry about (ie eating).

In reality, I'm super mega lucky that I've gotten three interviews so far, at three kickass schools. In reality, if I don't get in next year, there is plenty of great stuff for me to do. In reality, I would not fall into a spiral of self-loathing and depression. In reality, I might actually want another year off. You think that's crazy? I'll tell you what's crazy: Once I start med school, it's nothing but work from there. HARD work. Sooooo, a little break wouldn't kill me, dontcha think?

The truth of the matter is that a multitude qualified students do not get in each year.

Furthermore, there is a great deal of politics/networking, and so if Daddy donated lots of cash to a school, little Johnny/Jane is
in. Such is life, my dear.

"It's a crapshoot," they say. Who are "they"? People who just want to make you feel better even though you're a huge waste of life that will never ever amount to anything EVER.

Juuuust kidding.

Really, I'm kidding.

It really is a crapshoot. Google "medical school" and "crapshoot" and I'll bet you'll find tons of stuff. I'd do it, but I want to walk to school (the weather is nice, all the snow is GONE).

Life is good, babycakes. Life is gooooooooooood.


DobyD said...

dont worry, i will take my linebaker ass and go spear some medical school interviewers for ya.

Marianita said...

oh hush up