Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So... it's 10:33 PM.

In less than 11 hours, I will be in a cold classroom, pencil in hand, attacking an embryology exam.



DobyD said...

good luck marcy you are gona do amazing on the test. I know cause I now have the power to invade peoples dreams and i threatened to give your professor years of nightmare involving me sticking my fing.

DobyD said...

er in my ear and back into thier coca cola

Andre said...

Well, by my estimation, you're already there kicking that exam's ass.

Aldo...dawg. That talent of yours with the dreams, fingers, ears, and Coca Cola's is pretty freaky. You know, there are people in the world that can help you with that; except they charge like $300/hr.

But, at least their sofa is comfortable...