Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Before I know it, I'm going to have to choose a specialty.

I went to a Psychiatry Interest Group talk today. "Talks" by interest groups on campus are generally given during lunch time, and lunch is generally provided. But I seriously went to the talk with genuine interest.

Genuine interest in getting some pizza.

Oh, and also a slight interest in Psychiatry as a potential career.

I left with more than a slight interest. Psychiatry is one of the more humanistic medical career paths, and a lot more options exist beyond what most people think a psychiatrist is. I actually found the talk interesting, as well as very informational.

When one lady was talking, I got some really intense deja vu. Like, real deja vu. As in, I totally was here before, listening to these words, feeling this way.

Maybe it's a sign... In a past life I may have been a psychiatrist. Or a hungry medical student listening to a psychiatry interest group talk.

The speakers did/are currently doing residencies in psychiatry, and all of them said "I never thought I wanted to do Psychiatry." With my history of indecisiveness (switched career paths thrice), I most definitely have no clue about what I'll be doing in 4 years. But if I do end up choosing Psychiatry, I'll always remember this lunch talk, and perhaps when I'm a guest speaker for the Psychiatry Interest Group Talk for a bunch of new stinky first year med students, I'll tell them the story of what sparked my interest in Psychiatry. Maybe not.

On a totally unrelated, unnecessarily whiny note: I took a long shower and still smell like formaldehyde. There's a quiz on Thursday. I don't know what innervates the supraspinatus muscle, let alone what the hell it does. I don't know what mitochondria look like under a light microscope, or which proteins are involved in the zonula adherens of epethelial cells.

Perhaps I shouldn't think about residency when it's quite possible I won't even make it through year one...

Ok, that's an exaggeration, I hope. I'm just tired/cranky/stinky.

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