Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas in Miami : Pictures

Oh Christmas Tree, oh Christmas tree...Yes, that's our tree. It's fake. I know, I know...a fake tree seems tacky, but it's actually a lot easier to manage. Plus it's environment-friendly. HAH!

Said Fake Chimney from last post. No one really has a real chimney in Miami. For crying out loud, the temperature was like 90 degrees today. Anyway, I think this is so dorky, but my mother enjoys putting it up so whatever. It's kinda cute I guess...

Baby Jesus and his whole crew.

***it's nice to be home for Christmas***


David said...

Don't let my wife see that chimney or she'll want one too. Guess who would have to set it up, yep this guy. We have a fake tree too, love it, love it, love it, no mess.

Andre said...

I -- for one -- loved the tree. My mom set up a fake tree for Christmas also this year. Kinda hard to find real ones in an 82 degree Orlando...

Happy New Year, my love!