Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Brief study break.

It's not a break if I didn't start yet, though.

ANYWAY... to all them peeps bitching about the banning of articifial trans-fats, chew on this:

If you're all pissed off that this ban is like, taking away a right, why don't you think of it like trans fats are like drugs. Cocaine is illegal, is it not? LSD, PCP, Ketamine, MDMA, opium, heroin, the list goes on. Marijuana, too. Yes, I agree, drugs are bad (mmkay). BUT, many of these things, particularly marijuana, could never possibly lead to the amount of damage that is caused by these fats and other crap that's in our food. In the article on MSN, it says: "Doctors agree that trans fats are unhealthy in nearly any amount." DID YOU HEAR THAT?? UNHEALTHY IN ANY AMOUNT!!! Why in the WORLD should this shit exist??? It should also be illegal to pump cows full of hormones and genetically engineer fruits and veggies without knowing the potential threats....but that's a whole other can of worms. And so, if you think it's okay for Marijuana to be illegal, then you should be just fine and dandy with the ban. Deal with it, fatty. Alcohol should be illegal too. And smoking cigarettes.

Of course I don't really believe that. But I think that people shouldn't be sooooo outraged about this if they're the same people who think Marijuana should be illegal. I honestly do think that the government has WAY too much control over stuff. I'm a live-and-let-live kinda gal.

There's too much messed up stuff going on in this country, in this world, etc. Greed and obsession with money has led to a nation whose businesses will put their customers in danger just because it makes money. McDonald's, Pharmaceutical companies, etc. and so we have a bunch of fat-ass, addicted to pills, television humping consumers walking around with shitty health care. Sorry, am I ranting?

I should note that I am grateful for the good stuff this country has given my family and others. I always try to keep the negativity down... I haven't been doing a great job of that lately, but I blame the lack of sleep.

SO anyway, while I'm not a huge fan of "the man" I actually think this ban is a good thing. Yeah yeah, all the chefs have to change their recipes, and it's gonna lead to a lot of fines and stuff, but it'll be interesting to see how this all unfolds (if the ban is passed).

All this makes me think about how much healthier my lifestyle has become since moving from Miami. Life in DC, I like it. Compared to Miami, this place is so much more active. You can survive without a car here. FORGET ABOUT THAT in Miami. Nine months out of twelve, It's way too hot to get around on foot. Also, public transportation is shit, and stuff is not close.

I must say I miss the beach and the Cuban food (where can I get a pastelito and some Iron Beer in DC??). Oh and I miss my family and friends too, duh.

I kind of also miss the shitty radio stations and the one good radio station, a classic rock station with a hilarious morning show.

Ahhh, memories. I'm forgetting all my Spanish here. Pero estoy tratando de practicar con mi amigo Jose. El es de Peru, y esta en mi programa. Nosotros hablamos en espanol, usualmente para hablar de otras personas. Que malo!

Well, enough of that. There is an exam on Friday. After the embryology torture exam, I haven't had much motivation to give a crap. But really, I should study. This "brief" study break ended up being not-so-brief. Oh well. It happens.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I can't sleep.

I don't know why.

There's another exam this Friday (it never ends, I'm telling you).

It's been hard to get into study mode for this exam. It's biochem, one of three exams, and quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn,

I'm kidding. Of course I give a damn,

I just remembered a bad joke:

What did the fish say when he bumped his head?

Here's another one... this one's a 10 out of 10 in cheesiness.

So, two antennae (that's plural for antenna) who have been dating for a while decide to get married. The wedding was last week. The ceremony was a bit boring but the reception was great!



(for those of you who are not in touch with the IM acronyms, ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing, and LMAO= laughing my ass of, and so ROFLMAO is.... you can figure it out).

I'm not literally in hysterics, but I really do like the joke. I think it's hi-frickin-larious. I don't care how cheesy it is.

I noticed more and more that very often in online conversations, I'll write "LOL" and there's not even a smile on my face. The whole LOL thing is abused. It's like when you say "that's funny" instead of laughing.
(just in case, LOL = laughing out loud... if you don't know that one you're living under a rock)

Ah the pointless banter. When will it end?

So I'm sippin on my sleepytime tea, hoping it doesn't work too well and make me oversleep.

I don't have much to say. Studying is wack. (wiggity-wiggity wack)

Oh yeah!

My parents are coming to visit with my little brother this Friday. I'm excited and scared. I know that my father (obsessed with cleanliness) and my mother (obsessed with organization and cleanliness), will deem me unfit to live on my own due to the fact that my apartment is what you would call a "pig sty." The easy solution would be to pick up and clean but I have more important things to do, i.e. write pointless blogs that no one really reads and do hard sudoku puzzles from 2 week old newspapers. Oh yeah and studying also is slightly more appealing than cleaning.

I guess I'll tidy up a little bit, for mom. More for me, cause if the apartment's a mess she'll waste time and energy cleaning it for me, and I can't have that happen. Don't be fooled-it's not because I'm a sweet daughter who doesn't want to make her mommy work; it's actually because I want that woman to cook me some nice meals that I can freeze for later use. I'm a kind of sweet daughter, somewhere beyond my hefty appetite, I promise. MMMMM... mom's cookin. Can't wait! (She'd better cook, damnit)

So I'm looking forward to the visitors, particularly the little bro Danny, who is actually turning twelve years old tomorrow (actually, today). It feels like only yesterday he was a little baby whose poopie diapers I used to change.

So yeah... I'm going to attempt that whole "sleeping" thing one more time.

Good night. Buenas Noches. Bonne Nuit. Oodgay Ightnay.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I woke up this morning confused, directionless, with nothing to guide me (ie a "list of embryology lectures to learn").

THE EXAM IS OVER AND DONE WITH! And, at this point, I really don't give a crap about how I did. Quite frankly, the relief of finishing it outweighed any worries or thoughts about anything else.

After the exam was the after party; there was pizza and beer. The whole shabang was outdoors, and the weather has been sexy lately (sunny but cool). It resembles the "winter" in Miami. After ingesting oh, I don't know, 6 or 7 beers, my drunk ass came home and took a monster nap. I love napping. I woke up confused and drunk.

Then for the evening activities we all went to a bar, and hung out on the outdoor terrace (I guess it's called a terrace). I got me two dirty martinis, the freaking greatest drink of all time. Some beers followed. My liver hates me. The evening had it's usual, everyone's-extra-friendly-cause-they're-all-drunk overtone. I was wrong about this program. I expected to meet a large group of uptight, stiff, obnoxious pre-meds. So far, the people I've met have been pretty cool; many have a keen appreciation for alcohol.

So all in all, September 21, 2006 was a good day for me. It marked the end of a class. It was a day of booze and martinis and more booze, a day of being outdoors in gorgeous weather. A day when a nap was possible.

Today won't be so much of a great day. Today marks the beginning of a new cycle, for there is yet another exam rearing its ugly head. In exactly one week, we have our first of three biochemistry exams.

So, although I woke up slightly directionless, I know that there's a nice long list of things to do, including laundry =(

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So... it's 10:33 PM.

In less than 11 hours, I will be in a cold classroom, pencil in hand, attacking an embryology exam.

Happy National Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

Well, actually, it just ended... But September 19 is official National Talk Like a Pirate Day (Shiver me Timbers!)

To honor this important holiday, I offer a few cheeseball jokes:

What do pirates dump?

Where do pirates go on vacation?

Which member of the Beatles is a pirate's favorite?
Ringo Starrrrr

What's the most common pirate disease?

What do pirates use as transportation???
Come on, you can figure it out! The answer to this one is at the end of the post.


I need a drink, desperately. Preferrably a Dirty Martini with 4 Olives. Or a scotch on the rocks. I love scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch...Here it goes down, down into my belly...

Why do I crave a drink, you ask? Well, because I need to unwind a little. Unwind, who am I kidding? I want to drink myself stupid, drown in my sorrows, and forget about life.

Kidding, kidding. I don't want AA coming for my ass.

Okay, back to why I need a drink: tomorrow is the last day of studying. The big exam is on Thursday.


Freaking out a little.
Just a little.

Yes, I studied my ass off. But you don't get it. Really, you don't. EVERYONE ELSE STUDIED THEIR ASSES OFF TOO. These kids, they're no joke. They're walking around assless all the time. And it's not just the master's students (population: 150) who are taking the exam. It's the medical school students (population: probably more than 100) too. These are some serious, die hard, super mega studiers. I'm new to this hardcore studying crap. I'm
(as my little bro would put it) a n00b. A rookie. A study-like-crazy virgin.

Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating a little bit.
Just a little bit...

On a brighter note: immediately after the exam, there will be pizza and beer. Nothing better than getting trashed at 11:00 in the morning.

What's not so cool, is that before the pizza and beer I have to take a stupid exam. Did I mention the exam?


Ok that's enough.

Time to hit the hay.

Oh yeah, and a pirate's primary mode of transportation is: A ship. DUH!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Khalil Gibran, On Marriage

And now for something that doesn't include me bitching about how much I studied, or how terrified I am about the exam: Khalil Gibran's book, "The Prophet," is like a collection of short essays. Each chapter of the book is called "On _________", and it's basically the advice of a prophet named Almustafa to a group of people. One particular entry, "On Marriage," really caught my attention.

Here it is:

On Marriage

Then Almitra spoke again and said, "And what of Marriage, master?"

And he answered saying:

You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.

You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.

Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.

But let there be spaces in your togetherness,

And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another but make not a bond of love:

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together, yet not too near together:

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

-Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

Good stuff.

I like the way he expresses himself, and the analogies are strong. I think this advice is important, and it applies to relatonships as well. Codependence, loss of personal identity, etc... are to be avoided.

I would like to write more about this but I have a full day of classes and studying ahead of me.

By the way, the painting on the top of this post was done by Khalil Gibran also.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'll take a tiny break from studying to write a thing or two.

Speaking of "two," stuff has been coming in twos again. I go through certain time periods where everytime I hear about something new, or learn something new, it comes up again shortly thereafter.

Example: Because I live under a rock, I did not know about the whole "Pluto's not a planet" thing. This is apparently old news. Today I saw that some friends on facebook joined a group called "I was a kid when Pluto was still a planet" or something like that. I proceeded to, in my typical Mariana-inquisitive-need-to-know-everything-way, google "Pluto not a planet," and lo and behold- people have been talking about this since 2001. Apparently, it was officially kicked off the list of planets some time last month. Crazy! Ok, the point...? oh yeah. So THEN, not even 4 hours later, I was browsing though a blog I read regularly, and the guy referenced the Pluto thing, with a link to an article.

This doesn't seem like a big deal, I know, but crap like this happens to me ALL THE TIME. Things come in twos or threes. The Pluto example is a really simple, kind of not so good example. But I mean, sometimes, I'll be thinking about something obscure and someone brings it up and then a totally random other person brings it up too. Know what I mean, JellyBean?

OH NO! I just realized the mnemonic device "My very excited mother just served us nine pizzas" is now obsolete.
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Marts, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

I'm all about the mnemonics, man!

I guess the new one could be "My very excited mother just served us nutella" or something.

Mmmmmmm nutella!

Along with ROY G BIV (colors of the rainbow), PEMDAS (order of operations in math), and LIATE (something in calculus used for integration by parts), the solar system sentence is something I cherish. Why? Cause it taught me how to learn things in a lot less time than other people. I have about 15 little "tricks" like this for my next embryology exam.

Ah the embryology exam. Back to studying for that.

When that's over, it's going to be the kind of relief one feels after having to take a leak and holding it for a really really really long time.


It's crazy what staying indoors all day on a Saturday, drinking approximately 6 cups of coffee, and studying embrology all day can do to a person....

Mind: sluggish
Body: twitching
Time: 2:56 am

Should be sleeping.

The studying may seem out of control or exaggerated, but it's actually a mild case of too little, too late. I'm probably exaggerating. Whatever. I don't really have anything better to do.

If only the day was dedicated entirely to studying, I would be satisfied. But alas! Unexpected events, telephone calls, and shiny objects distracted me.

-Unexpected events: eating food and using the restroom (which happens a lot when you drink 6 cups of coffee); I did not include time for these silly things in the strict schedule I made

-Telephone calls: scattered throughout the day; one particularly time-consuming call with the woman whose uterus I occupied for nine months. As an embryo, my syncytiotrophoblast cells burrowed into her endometrium..............yeah, I need to get to bed.

-Shiny objects: The internet (blogger, facebook, myspace, email, AIM, etc), and pretty much everything that WASN'T the embryology textbook, syllabus, powerpoints, and student notes (yes, we have all of those resources. Isn't that neat?)

One shiny object of note which distracted me for quite some time is the book "The Prophet," by Khalil Gibran. The apartment I am renting belongs to a young married couple, who left their furniture and many, many books. Lots of great books here, including Slaughterhouse V, a few Ayn Rand books, Catcher in the Rye, A Wrinkle in Time (one of my favorites as a kid) and much, much more.

"The Prophet" is great. I will write more about it when I don't have a mega-terrifying embryology exam coming up.

Tomorrow is a new day. I will emerge from my hermit-like existence to get some groceries, maybe go to the gym. Then I will hit the books. No I'm not using figurative language. I'm literally going to hit them...or throw them against the wall, perhaps?

I've got about 6 more lectures to study. That can be done in 6 hours if I stop jerkin' around.

For now, it is time to attempt sleeping. I will drink some sleepytime tea and maybe study myself to sleep.

Bonne Nuit, Buenas Noches, Good Night.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


It is c-r-u-n-c-h time. Embryology exam is on Thursday (Ay dios mio!)

Some random things:

-About the whole Spinach thing. Yeah, talk about scary. And annoying, cause now I can't eat my favorite veggie. Damn You E. Coli O157H7!!!!

-Someone pointed out to me today that "Keggles" seems like the name of a cereal. It does, doesn't it??? I believe it's pronounced keegles but the words still looks like the name of a cereal.

-My little brother told me online today that he realized that 30% of his entertainment at home was talking to me. He also mentioned that the value is considerably lower than it should be due to time commitment factors on my part; as he put it "it would be a lot more than 30% but you were always at work or school." I thought that was nice. I miss that little brat.

-I have to literally study all day every day as much as humanly possible between now and Thursday morning. Freaking gross.

-I should be sleeping right now instead of blogging. Yeah.

-The artwork above is an etching by M.C. Escher, an amazing Dutch artist.

Hmmm, strange! I just took note of the fact that his last name, "Escher," happens to be a part of the name of the bacteria which is causing assplosions across the country, Escherichia Coli (E. Coli).

Okay, one more thing: E. Coli is a bacteria found in our bodies normally. The E. Coli which is causing this outbreak is a different strain, known as O157H7. Just in case any microbiologically ignorant individuals were wondering.

Buenas noches. Nachos buenos (yum)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This is just a friendly reminder:


Do it.

It's good for you. Really.

It makes you feel nice, and it's the easiest way to get out of a bad mood. It's pretty contagious, too.

It also can make people around you wonder what you're smiling about, and may quite possibly make you seem mysterious and interesting (even if you're boring and dumb).

Look at Mona. Aren't you dying to know why she's smiling? Maybe she's expecting to get the old heave-ho from Leo or maybe she has gas. Maybe she's an attention whore, loving every minute of this. She looks like she knows a secret that no one's supposed to know. Or, could it be that she's just a happy woman, content with life as it is?

I know, you think I'm looking into it WAY too much, and she's just be posing for a picture, but I don't think a fake smile could possibly be so enigmatic. Her eyes are alive (and a bit creepy). You don't get that kind of expression with a fake smile.

Anyway, forcing yourself to smile can really lift your spirits and change things nicely. It doesn't have to be a fake smile. Just make the conscious effort to find something that makes you smile. Think of someone who makes you laugh, think of something that makes you laugh, and you won't even have to force it.

And remember, laughter is the best medicine.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Today is September 11. A day that will never be forgotten. I will never forget where I was on 9/11, when I heard about the twin towers. Do you remember where you were??? I think about the lives lost and it saddens me; I think about the fact that people in this world exist who commit atrocities such as 9/11 all over the world, all the time, and it disgusts me.

Peace on Earth... Is it possible?

The world is crazy. Really. Speaking of things that are wrong in the world, pharmaceutical companies are evil. What?!??! Who said that!?! Did you hear something?

Today a woman came to our Career Pathways class to discuss Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM), my favoritest subject in the world right now. I took a class just for fun called Alternative and Folk Medicine during the Spring 2006 semester. It's the coolest class I've ever taken. EVER.

She was awesome. She was politically active during her med school years, organizing unions for students and residents. She's all about CAM and she's all about activism. She talked about some CAM techniques, about how the US and South Africa are the only industrialized countries that do not have socialized medical care, about how no one in this country receives good medical care, about big pharmaceutical companies and how they fund 75% of research, and a lot of other things that interest me greatly.
It sounds cheesy, but she was really inspirational to me- what she said throughout her talk, the way she spoke, everything. I love to hear speakers like her. She was a bit dorky and she used her hands a lot while she spoke; she was REAL. She was a feminist hippie girl who fought and is still fighting for what she thinks is right. Gotta love that!
At the end of her talk she reminded us that as physicians, we will have the background and status to make a real difference. Yay Activism!

More about CAM later, it's bedtime.

Oh, just to talk about food for one second: I made me some mashed sweet potatoes to eat with dinner tonight. Success! I'll be a chef extraodinaire in no time!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Productive day. YAY!

I love this Salvador Dali painting--------------->

Well, I switched gears today and actually got a lot of stuff done. Woke up at noon after hitting snooze for 2.5 hours (I wanted to wake up at 9:30). Acceptable, since I had major insomnia till 3 am. Ate an empanada for breakfast (that would be, a meat pie, Latin American style). You're supposed to fry them but I baked it. I chugged my 1.5 cups of coffee and for some odd reason, organized my entire desk and living room area. Then I sat my productive Lebanese booty down and prioritized my applications, and filled out 5 of them. FIVE! Two of the applications had no essays, so they don't really count but still! Yay me! There was a break in between numbers 3 and 4 to have lunch: grape nuts cereal (yummy!). Yes, I realize my lunch was breakfastesque, and that my breakfast was lunchesque. *Cartman voice* Whateva, I do what I want!

Then, after application number five, little Ms. Responsibility (that's me) prepared dinner and lunch for tomorrow. Dinner was a salad (just spinach and cucumbers) and ground meat with onions and all-spice, which is usually used in Lebanese dishes to stuff something (eggplant) or in between two layers of mashed potatoes or in rice or to put in a meat pie (a Lebanese empanada, if you will). It is the stuff that is inside Kibbeh. It's called "stuffing" in Arabic. Usually people add pine nuts. I don't have any but it's still good to me! My mom makes this "stuffing" all the time for one or more of the aforementioned dishes, but there's always some left over. It is a well known fact in the Khawand residence that the left-over stuffing should be handed over to me. I eat the meat with pita bread in the morning or for dinner. It's not really morning food but I'm weird like that. Even more delightful: I throw some of it on top of my eggs while they fry. It's so damn good.
All-spice is great, it gives the food a flavor that reminds me of momma's cookin'. I don't know what other people use all-spice in their food besides the Lebanese/Middle Easterns.
Anyway, I totally went off on a food tangent there. Point of the story: I was productive today. Yippee!!!
Sixteen days till the Embryology exam. SIXTEEN DAYS! That exam is gonna be painful. Tomorrow I will begin "hardcore" studying. Definition: Eat, breathe, sleep embryology. What muscles arise from the second pharyngeal arch? I don't know! But I'm supposed to know. AHHHHH!
At least Embryology is interesting. It's one of the most fascinating subjects ever. To see what we looked like, to see the progression from a couple of cells.... blastula, gastrula, morula, something-elserula, embryo, fetus, newborn, toddler, brat, prepubescent hormonal prick, angst-filled wannabe adult, young adult, middle aged person, old fart...... it's all quite fascinating, really!
Ok, time for bed.
It's 10:42. The coffee's in the coffee maker, ready to be brewed. My backpack is ready, my lunch is packed, my panties are in a bunch, and it's time for bed.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Yet another boring Saturday night.... So, I figure, why not blog?!?!?

<-----Isn't this painting cool? I stumbled upon it. I love it.

Maybe I'm just pooped out from the awful Immunology test, but I just had no motivation to do much of anything today! After breakfast, blogging, and being bored, I decided to visit the gym in my apartment complex. I figured this would give me the energy boost I need, and make me feel less guilty about the fact that I ate at Chipotle last night. ****Side note about Chipotle: I want to know what addictive substance they put in those burritos! They're A-W-E-S-O-M-E. I wonder why there aren't any Chipotle's in Miami****

ANYWAY, the gym is small but it's got all the basics: treadmills, a couple of stair-climbers, weights, etc... I did about one hour of cardio, read some embrology. Got home, took a shower, made a badass semi-healthy lunch (boca burger wrap with grilled onions & melted cheese and baked french fries), and proceeded to completely waste my day doing absolutely nothing! Then I took a nap.

Time wasted. It's so annoying. It's even more annoying to think about it because there's nothing you can do about it!

I should give myself some credit. At about 8 pm I finally mustered up the energy to finish one more medical school secondary application. I've only done 8 out of the 20 or so applications that I need to fill out. Applying to medical school has got to be on my list of top ten most annoying things EVER. It saps your energy and your bank account. On 8 applications alone, I've spent 500 bucks. One of them was free, and two of them were only 30 bucks; the others ranged from $50-$105). And that doesn't include the cost of the AMCAS (primary application), which was about 900 dollars in my case. THEN, if you get an interview, you have to pay for a damn plane ticket and hotel too.

But I shouldn't complain. At least I am blessed with the opportunity to apply to medical school, to have had an education up to this point, to have the ability to read and write... That reminds me, I "stumbled" onto this cool website: It's a project about what the "numbers" would look like if the whole world was 100 people. It's not super duper mega shocking, but it's very interesting and cool. It puts things into perspective. WATCH IT!

Well I should get back to my secondaires (translation: I'll be blogging again in approximately one hour)
I'm sad to report that the exam was ridiculously difficult.

I'm less sad to report that everyone else in the class seemed to think so, too.

After the exam, the class president organized an outing to a bar on M street called Garrett's. It was very interesting and somewhat strange to see my classmates out of the classroom context. I had fun and a few drinks ($2.50 vodka-tonics!). I learned the names of about 25 classmates to whom I was never introduced before. I don't know how many of those names I will actually remember.

And so today, I will begin studying for the embryology exam that's coming up on September 21.

The picture above was taken in Lebanon in the mountains. I love flowers.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sick of Immunology... (ah, the irony)

Tomorrow....I have my first exam!

It's in Immunology. 150 questions, multiple choice.

This is probably the first time ever (since highschool) that I didn't cram for an exam. I've been looking at the material casually for the past 2 weeks, and studying with a group. I don't know if I know it all or not.

It's soooo weird. I can't tell if I should feel confident or worried, because I've never studied this way before. I can't bring myself to study anymore tonight. Tomorrow I will have the morning hours to review. The exam is at 1 pm. Yikes! It's strange to not be freaking out before an exam that counts for HALF MY GRADE in the class!

Is this possibly the way it should be? I wouldn't know! I kind of like this whole studying like a normal person thing.

In other news, today was a a day full of coincidences. Yesterday, too. I have a feeling that I'm being thwarted into one of those time periods during which everything comes in 2's and 3's, coincidences will overwhelm me, and I'll feel "connected."

In other other news, my parents are coming to visit! I miss them! They are bringing Danny, my not so little brother. It's exciting. Hopefully my mom will be sweet enough to cook some of her world class Lebanese food.

It's time for bed. I will dream of antibodies and cytokines, MHC molecules and cytosolic proteases.

And maybe I'll dream that I'm at school naked. I hate that dream!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ode to Spinach:
Spinach is one of the coolest veggies EVER! WHY?

Well, for starters: it's yummy.

It makes you strong like Popeye (really!)
It's green
The health benefits are amazing!

Spinach is a rich source of Vitamins A, C, and E, several antioxidants, folic acid, lutein, and rubiscolins (no one knows what rubiscolins do, but the name is cool). Antioxidants are important in cancer prevention.

As I write I realize that I should be studying, not blogging. I will add to this post later.
Point of the story: EAT SPINACH, IT'S SUPER DUPER GOOD FOR YOU!!! YEAH! (and it's fat-free, carb-free, and, like most veggies, it keeps you "regular". yeah. I said it.)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Insomniac psychobabble.

I am suffering from insomnia on this fine evening. It's 2:15 am. Techincally, it's Sunday, September 3.

Sometimes, when I'm in the car or on the metro, I look at the people around me. I think, hey, look at that guy in the blue toyota. He's got a whole entire life. He's got a family and a job and health problems and other problems. He has interests, and dislikes. He's been hurt before. He's been happy before (I hope). He's probably been in love. He's probably gotten drunk. He probably has a secret he's never told anyone. He's probably done his share of stupid things, said his share of stupid things. Right now, there's something going on in his head. A stream of thoughts, or is he listening to the radio? He could be thinking "I wonder what's for dinner. I hope (insert wife's name here) makes something good" or he could be thinking "I hate my life, I want to die" or he could be thinking about a coworker's voluptuous body or he could be just listening to the radio with no thoughts in his head.

The point? What is the point of me writing this? I barely even know. It's just something that goes through my head sometimes when I look at strangers. It amazes me whenever I stop and think about how comlpex this world is.

We live in a way such that we must be primarily concerned about ourselves then those around us. Some people also take the time to help those in dire need and participate in goodwill activities. But we don't really pay attention to the emotions and feelings of the dude in the other car, the woman at the supremarket, etc. Those people exist because we see them. Their feelings don't exist for us. I guess just taking the time to acknowledge the existence of the stranger's emotions, thoughts, etc just gives me a weird sense of wonderment.

Another thing that always makes me stop and think is babies. I look at them and I would love to know what is going on in their oversized heads. I don't know if it's my biological clock or what, but lately every time I see a baby I just want to carry/hug/kiss the little fucker. I digress. Babies, what's going on in their heads? Who knows, maybe as a baby you have powers (telepathy, etc) that you lose as you grow and gain the potential for memory. Maybe as a baby you know something important, like the meaning of life, and that is why you are blissful and happy.

What about a fetus? What about an embryo? (it's called an embryo until week 8, I believe). I'm taking embryology, and we're learning about how every part of the body arises. It's quite fascinating. But no one knows how and when "awareness" arises. What if every molecule has its own level of awareness?

When studying the immune system and many other biological systems, one learns that cells "communicate" with each other. The immune response to a bacterium, for example, is mediated by numerous cells and signals. It's all very intricate, very complex. The image at the top of this blog is a representation of the cells involved in removing the bacteria from the body. I googled the picture for this blog but I may just print it out to help me study.

One more thing: DNA. It's amazing! I will dedicate a blog to DNA soon.

Taking a moment to step back and revel at the complexities of this world always makes me feel good. I don't know why.

All this random talk has gotten me tired.

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the insects of the bed gnaw at your flesh.....(that's how the saying goes, right?)

what does sleep tight mean, anyway?


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Wrecklessness Withdrawal Syndrome.

My life has gone from party-hearty to BOOOOORRRRIIINNNGGGG.

For example, this is how my weekend has progressed:
Friday night: Started writing the notes for class. Made a necklace. Went to bed.
Saturday: Woke up at 9:30. Ate breakfast. Went to pick up a box sent from mom and dad. Talked on the phone a bit. Finished notes for class. Ate lunch. Filled out two medical school applications. Chatted online. Sat here in my apartment, with the windows open, listening to people yelling at a house party nearby. Realized there was something really odd about this picture....

I should be at some house party, partying it up! But I'm not.

It's Saturday night, and I'm home. I was home all day. That was unheard of in Miami. It's okay, this is my new life. Study hard. Study on the weekends. Study study study. It's a huge change, but I can handle it. I was built with a study hard engine, I just never went past "cram before test" mode.

What's not so cool: I'm thinking, this is only the beginning. After this, if all works out, I'll be in medical school. Medical school, that aint no joke. How much "free time" will I have? How much studying will I do? Then comes residency, roughly 100 hours a week of work. Then my career and marriage and children and wrinkles and menopause and osteoperosis and.............

Okay, the point is, will I ever party like a rockstar again? I mean, I know people outgrow that stuff, but, I didn't! Or did I? I didn't even notice!!!!

The medical school students at UM (go canes!) that I know actually party a lot. But, will I go to UM? If so, there is no guarantee that my classmates will be into partying.

Why am I so worried? This is just a side effect. My body and mind are getting used to the whole being responsible thing. It's like a drug withdrawal. I was addicted to irresponsibility. I'm seeing a baby crawling on the ceiling and everything.